William Del Pilar Fantasy Sports Pioneer

By Emil Kadlec
Emil Kadlec

William Del Pilar, one of KFFL's founders, has too many firsts, but there's no doubting his status as a pioneer in the fantasy sports industry.

His organization was one of the first, if not the first, to produce player news on a massive scale, with clients such as Yahoo! Sports, CBS, FOX Sports, and others, leading to KFFL dominating the player news industry under his leadership.

William was also the Fantasy Sports Trade Association's first fantasy football champion, accumulating too many "experts" titles to list; he used this dominance to help market and grow the organization.

Along with Ryan R. Bonini, KFFL was also the NFL Network's first fantasy analyst, featured on "Total Access."

William also served on the FSTA board and helped guide the industry from the moment most of the organizations got together in 1998 in Las Vegas until the day he sold his company. …

Check out the entire Fantasy Sports Pioneer Interview Series.
